︎︎︎ heeya_mody@hotmail.com
Heeya Mody
Heeya Mody
A creative technologist. A thinker. An entrepreneur.
We flip coins to settle between two alternatives. It’s binary. Simplified. But that’s not how the world works. It’s complicated, intertangled and messy. We take fragments of information and distill them into ‘this way' or 'that way’﹣ right or wrong﹣ much like the coin, to make sense of the world around us. Our perception becomes so limited, as if we have obtained one piece of a puzzle. Is it even the right puzzle? It may not encompass the true inner-workings of the universe.
Our civilization is based on this (mis)information, and this is what my work explores﹣ society as a construct, and how we interact with this construct that we built. My work serves as a critique on how we function.
Parsons School of Design, New York
Cornell Tech, New York
Antwerp International School, Antwerp
Lycée Français Internationale d'Anvers, Antwerp